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Be Here Now

Love Always, Maggie

Welcome to the Be Here Now blog🤍 I’m so glad your here. I’ll be sharing my story—the good, the bad, and the ugly. Join me on my journey<3

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Super Power

It was not until this year I actually understood the meaning of humility. The dictionary defines humility as, ‘A modest or low view of...


When scrolling on social media we often see posts that look similar, and captions that sound the same. When shopping at the mall we tend...

My Story

I feel so blessed to be alive and well to share my rescue story. My life was taken captive by the chains of multiple eating disorder...

Free People.

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘hurt people, hurt people?’ What about free people? Freedom can be and is contagious. Friends… Free...


Favor is defined as, ‘Approval, support, or liking for someone or something.’ Partiality is defined as, ‘Unfair bias in favor of one...

The Chase

Often life can feel like a race. We are constantly chasing after something, only to never find a finish line. The things of the world we...

Turning Point

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to tone and style a new, special friend of mines hair. If you’ve been in the salon for any amount...

Stay Strong and Hold On

Whenever my Mamie passed away, one of my dear friends said something that has stuck with me ever since. ‘Stay strong and hold on.’ Stay...

Palms Open.

Walking through life with your palms open and being willing to receive what your heart needs and willing to let go of what doesn’t grow...

Wear Your Scars

‘Why are you so open about such broken things in your life?’ Because… Those scars are proof that the enemy did not win. The effects those...


It is not what we accomplished, but what God did. He just let us participate. Somedays I get overfilled with gratitude for where I am at...


Somedays walking one foot in front of the other can feel like a daunting task. I get it. Moving forward is scary. So scary. And, can feel...


Life used to terrify me. Like actually terrify me. I wanted to avoid what living actually was at all costs. Everything/anything I did...


I have lived a story that proves God's faithfulness. In the hard, the uncomfortable, and the good moments... they've all proved God's...

Ir's not fair...but what is?

They always say, “it’s just not fair. Why do bad things happen to good people?” But… How do we know what’s fair? God doesn’t make ‘bad...

Conflict Into Misery

A preacher once said, “unresolved conflict can turn the best thing into the most miserable thing.” What even is conflict? Drama?...

It Could Only be Jesus

"How did you do it?" A question so many have innocently asked. Some even in search of hope for themself. This question refers to me...


My life completely changed when I surrendered. Surrender means to give up control of something or someone else. I am guilty of being one...


One Sunday at church my Grandaddy beautifully sang the words, “Let me tell you ‘bout my Jesus. And let my Jesus change your life....


Freedom is not a term I have felt in a long while. I have been bound by the chains of anxiety, depression, OCD, and an eating disorder. I...

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