Freedom is not a term I have felt in a long while. I have been bound by the chains of anxiety, depression, OCD, and an eating disorder. I have seen glimpses of freedom along the journey, but never fully immersed myself into living it. It seemed too far fetched for me. I believed in it for everyone but myself.
It was not until May of this year nearing the end of my treatment stay, I decided I would have to start believing things for myself if I wanted to get anywhere in my recovery. It is not like anyone had not told me that before, I just had not ever believed them.
I decided I would give believing it a chance.
Believing in myself changed everything for me.
Believing in myself brought me steps closer to life.
Believing in the possibility of freedom quite literally brought me freedom.
I have never felt the freedom like I have the past month.
I have lived more life in the past month, than the past two years.
I am not saying the past month has been easy or perfect. I am saying it has been a life I have created for myself and believed for myself that has been oh so beautiful!
I am thankful for all the memories, connections, risks, challenges, laughs, failures, successes, and everything in between that freedom has brought.
Life, you are oh so beautiful.