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Who God IS

Writer's picture: Maggie McgawMaggie Mcgaw

There was a moment in time I did not know what my favorite color was, what my hobbies were, my favorite food, or even what I did in my free time.

And I am being completely honest.

I had no idea WHO I was.

When they say the eating disorder robs you of who you are, they are not lying.

I was no longer the Maggie I remembered.

I was a Maggie fixated on numbers, time, past, future, isolation, restriction, rigidity…

But no care for the Maggie right here, right now.

My world felt upside down and I could not even remember how it once was.

I knew I had to discover WHO I was outside of the eating disorder.

I knew I had to reconnect with my core values.

Only…I did not know where to even start. My thinking was completely ‘all or nothing.’

I either wanted the ED identity fully or it to be all gone at once. I did not want to battle the inbetween.

The thought of forming a new identity felt exhausting, but living with the eating disorder felt terrifying…AND I knew living with both was impossible.

FIguring out this journey was hard and scary.

I had to fall and get back up several times.

The ONLY thing that felt solid, believable, and safe on the road to identity discovery was my faith.

I talked to God a lot.

I prayed a lot.

I worshiped a lot.

I sought out scripture a lot.

I trusted and leaned into positive influences a lot.

A God send on this journey was a mentor/professional/true life savor-Emily-reminded me of this verse constantly and it has easily become my anthem:

‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a NEW thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’ Isaiah 43:18-19.

I am okay.

I am being made new.

I do not have to be who I once was.

My relationship with God helped me rebuild my relationship with myself.

I would not know WHO I was, if I did not know who HE was.

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