Comparison is defined as: ‘The fact of considering something similar or of equal equality to something else.’
Have you ever heard the saying ‘Comparison is the thief of joy?’
I know many find this saying overused and brush it off, I get it I have been there!
But, it’s true, comparison really is the thief of joy.
I read a devotional once that stated: ‘Comparing ourselves to others comes from a place of insecurity and pride, which leads to us missing out on the goodness of where God has us and how He made us.’
Walking in comparison leads us to living an insecure life. We cannot be confident in God’s plans for our own life when we shift our focus to others' lives.
Jesus truly is the standard for where we should be and what we should aim for.
‘Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.’ Hebrews 12:2.
When our eyes are fixed on the standard of the people to the right and left of us rather than Jesus, our standard becomes unreachable.
We were not made to be like everyone else.
We were meant to be ourselves.
We were meant to live originally.