In 2023 I pray to have more grace. Grace for myself, grace for those around me, and grace for the journey of all that is to come. I can easily say the past few years challenged me. I walked into 2019 and 2020 battling grief and loss, truly a crushed heart. I walked into 2021 certain the eating disorder would take my life, and spent the whole year in and out of treatment. I walked into 2022 hopeful, but still not fully certain it was possible. I spent the first 1/2 of the year in treatment…again. 2022 was dang hard, and so unexpected. AND…I can confidently say it’s been one of the best years of my life. So many new and exciting doors have opened. These are joyful, life giving, and sometimes still really scary.
In 2023 I pray for more grace.
Grace for myself as I walk into the year in solid recovery for the first time, even though some moments are still really hard. Grace for myself as I finish cosmetology school and start my career I’ve worked so hard for. Grace for myself as I navigate burnout and intentionally filling my time with what sets my soul on fire.
Grace for myself and others as we grow in a deep and meaningful relationship.
Grace for everyone around me because we truly are doing the best that we can with what we have.
Truly…grace for ALL that is to come. Life is uncertain and hard, AND so beautiful.
May I gracefully walk into gods plans.