Be Here Now.
This has been a constant affirmation for me.
I first came across this saying when I was in the hospital fighting for my life when my eating disorder almost took it.
I carried this affirmation with me in the days, weeks, months, and multiple rounds of treatment ahead of me. To me ‘be here now,’ is a simple reminder to be present in the moment. I do not have to worry about yesterday/tomorrow, what happened/what will happen, I just need to be right here right now.
Being present is really hard for me, but something I desire to be able to do. Writing has become my safe place to be present with my raw and vulnerable thoughts. A time to just be present with myself and release everything I am feeling. Sometimes, actually most times, it is easier for me to put words to paper than to actually speak them.
While at Selah the second time we were sitting outside and a lady I will cherish forever asked the question, “How are you going to prioritize self care when you get home?” I honestly wanted to laugh in her face. I am not one that had practiced self care before, so I did not really have an answer for her. We went around in a circle answering. Some of my fellow recovery warriors said things like: volunteering, art, music, going to a salon, cleaning, shopping, mindful movement, e.t.c. I had no idea what I was gonna say. It was my turn and I paused for a while. And then I said, “Well I love to write, so maybe I could start a blog but I don't know no one will probably read it so probably not.”
All my friends thought it was a great idea, my therapist encouraged me to do so, and I knew it was something I always wanted to do.
So, here we are 2 months later. Starting my blog! A place to be raw, vulnerable, and authentically me!
I am so glad you are joining me and hope you stick around!