2021 Takeaways
After surrendering to my eating disorder 8 days into 2021 I knew it was going to be a year of extreme growth. I decided from then forward to make a list of some of the greatest things I learned throughout the year.
I am thankful for each thing this year brought me, the lessons learned, and the people who mentored me along.
It would be selfish of me to keep these things to myself!
So, friends, let me share with you…
*It is ok to need help.
*It is ok to NOT to be ok.
*It is ok to wait.
*You learn a lot in stillness.
*Jesus really is the answer to everything.
*EVERYTHING you are feeling is valid.
*Self Care is important.
*Rest is very productive.
*Treat yourself:)
*Your thoughts are not facts.
*You are stronger than you think.
*You are not behind.
*Your story is already written.
*Comparison is the thief of joy.
*You do not have to please everyone.
*Do not follow the crowd.
*Love your neighbor.
*Pause and Praise.
*True friends stay.
*Nobody will ever fully understand AND it is not their job to do so.
*It is ok to grieve.
*Life is short.
*No dream is too big.
*Feel your feelings.
*Eat the bagel ;)
*Trust those who care for you.
*Only God’s opinion matters.
*Everyone is doing the best they can.
*Stop running from your pain.
*Something better is coming.
*Talk to yourself like you would a friend.
*Your eating disorder (or any other mental illness) is not your fault.
*Life is more fun when less occupied with your body.
*Recovery is NOT linear.
*Progress not Perfection.
*You do not have to be anybody but yourself.
*You were made for more.
*Society’s ideals are not attainable.
*Trying again does not make all the other tries ‘fails’.
*Sometimes we have to do the really scary things to get to the really good things.
*”Do not ride life in the turbulence. Keep reaching for more,” -Grandaddy
*Feel the fear and do it anyway.
*It all makes sense.
I pray at least one of these sparks something inside of you.
I know they have for me!
Come back to these when ya need it!
XOXO, Maggs